
Accessing services of support

A child is the most beautiful blessing, when your child is diagnosed with any injury, accident, sickness, or disability, the feelings and emotions of parents are near to collapse. In these cases, parents need moral support and physical support. It’s crucial to remember that you’re not alone. Over 10 million kids have or are at […]

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Impacts of a disabled child with complex medical isssues on parent /s or caregivers

A child who is depreciated, devalued by society, and due to a lack of societal acceptance in our culture can be heartbreaking over keeping a child struggling through severe intellectual and developmental disabilities. (This article was written in response to Parlimentarty Ministers and the National Dissability Scheme for the assesment of impacts on families, what

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Auditory Processing Disorder

People with auditory processing disorder (APD) have a hard time hearing small sound differences in words. Someone says, “Please raise your hand,” and you hear something like “Please haze your plan.” You tell your child, “Look at the cows over there,” and they may hear, “Look at the clown on the chair.” APD, also known

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